Thursday, February 14, 2013


Valentines Day has always been a happy day for me, single or not, I did my best to be completely satisfied in any situation !  I realized that many people went on dates any other day of the year and it didn't bother me then, so why should it bother me on February 14th? Until my parents moved after high school , my parents would give us kids a small gift , my mom made us candy and my dad would give us girls flowers. In my single high school years, my best girlfriends and I would go out to dinner and then hang out for the evening , sometimes some guys would come over, we made s'mores and just hung out , no one hooked up,  we all had a pure good time together. When I did have a Valentine in high school, those times were fun too! I mean it was dinner and chocolate , who could say no to that !?! Last year , when Travis and I were engaged, Travis got up at an ungodly hour and he made me breakfast and set up a table with candles, it was amazing and then he left soon after on apartment hunt ! I spent the day wondering what my future home would look like, he came back the next day triumphant with the perfect place, I was elated . Not many girls can say that they got an apartment for Valentines day !
This year, we are married , living in America , with a baby on the way , we both have jobs. I kiss him good bye at 7:15 and I don't him again until 5. Today was not much different, and in fact he has a Valentines Day Gala for work that he is doing, and although I get to go, it's a little different than the traditional dinner out. To be honest , I am excited, I love watching him work, he is very good at his job and it is blessing for me to hear all of the residents talk about what a wonderful,gifted and sweet man my husband is. Although I know all of these things to be true because he exemplifies these qualities at home, it's a blessing for me as his wife hear such things of the man I get to spend life with !  Regardless of the business of today , my husband brought me a beautiful arrangement of flowers and my favorite Australian licorice! His gift is in the mail...somewhere ... :)
Although we couldn't do a valentines day breakfast in bed, or take a long leisurely walk on the beach, or gaze into each others eyes all day and flirt over a candle light dinner. The love that we share goes beyond those things, and thankfully I can share those things and make those memories every day. If you know me, you know that I will want to share with you how today reminds me of the ultimate Valentine. Thankfully, Jesus is a better lover than myself, he never disappoints, and He forgives my daily failures, and he is not a better lover on any specific day of the year, he is perfect and consistent all the time. What an example of a lover we have as believers ! I want to encourage all of you to take a look at Jesus and His perfect,undying love that has lasted and will last through the ages, and love those around you with that same love.

 "In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.

- Exodus 15:13

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Calling all Mommies !Help Wanted !

Hello Everyone !

So as the day where I become a mother draws near, I find myself wondering if I have enough of this, or if I really need to buy that one thing that everyone says I need! I had a wonderful baby shower last weekend and I got loads or adorable baby clothes and a few other necessities, but I know that I need a few other items such onesies, a dresser, a boppy pillow, sleeping gowns, cloth diapers... The list could easily go on! Anyways, is like to ask you moms ( words of daddy wisdom are more than welcome too, I'll pass them on to Travis !)  to either comment or Facebook message me the items that you could not have lived without when you had your babies !
This fresh,new mom would appreciate it !

Much Love,


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