Monday, August 22, 2011

{A Week Without Social Networking}

So, as many of you know that I am the average 21st girl when it comes to socializing online. I use facebook,I tweet,and I blog. I use these resources more than I should, but I present the excuse that I live overseas and far away from my family. But I am not here to tell you why I use social networking, but instead I want to tell you why I went without it for a whole week.

Last Sunday ( the 14th of August),Travis challenged that I could not last one week without Facebook,twitter, or updating my blog. I accepted this challenge and responded that the week would be a snap and I would triumphantly cross the line into the next Sunday. The week without social networking was easy, honestly I only missed it when there was nothing else to do. And then it hit me, Facebook is a time filler. I use it just to fill up time...but when I "fill" up time with Facebook, it's actually wasting time I could be filling with something else.

With no social networking this week, it felt like I did more with my time. I actually cleaned my space, Travis cut my hair ( He had NEVER cut a girl's hair before, but he did an excellent job ),and I cut his hair ( again, I have never cut hair before in my life) I laid out by the pool,watched some kids,made chocolate-chip buttermilk pancakes for friends. Sure, these may be small and insignificant things. But these are the things that enrich life and make it a little sweeter, a little more precious and interesting than if we wouldn't have done them.

So,my dear friend, I encourage you when you are finished reading my blog that you get up and do something. It doesn't have to be an outside activity...but bake a cake, finish that book that's collected dust by laying on your night stand and see the adventures that the non-cyber world holds for you.


"Dost thou love life? Than do not squander time, it's the stuff that life is made of!" -Benjamin Franklin


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