Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Only 52 Days!

In all honesty, I did not to a day countdown until the wedding until we hit the three month mark. Probably because 100 days or 80 days seemed an eternity away!
So now, I am at 52 days away from being Mrs. Autumn Wallace.

The day that I have been pining away for is just around the corner, the day that I dreamt about in my young girlhood  and played dress up with my friends at sleepovers. As I got older I peeked through magazines and planned my entire wedding. Now, I am 20, still very young, but my thoughts of weddings have turned more to thoughts about marriage and on being wife. Sure, I love looking at my dress and making flower arrangements in my mind. I love grazing my delicate birdcage veil, and I love all the wedding planning. But on a day to day basis, my mind thinks about what being a wife will be like.
I know I will discover a whole lot about myself when I get married, I know that it will not always be easy, but I do know that I will be able to be Travis's best friend for the rest of our lives, I'll be there every step of the way, supporting Travis and just being his wife.

Anyways, if you think about it, I would appreciate your prayers in these next 52 days. Please pray that my  heart would in a constant state of preparation. Please pray as our families and friend come in , that those details would be smooth. And, Travis and I are having an outreach in Budapest starting this Friday and we come back to school on the 1st of May.  Please pray that our team would be fruitful and complete the mission and task ahead of us!

Much love,



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