Monday, August 13, 2012

What a Summer

Hello Friends,

Well, there is so much to say! In the period of two months, I've gotten married,went on a wonderfully planned honeymoon, had our apartment robbed in middle of the night, and got pregnant! I've never experienced such a whirlwind in my life!! But I've learned that God's plan for us is great, and He so wants to take us on the ride of our lives!

I have loved my new title in life;Wife! It's been fantastic, and a true blessing to have my home with my wonderful husband. I will be honest, it has been a recent challenge to keep up with the things that I want to get done, being 7 weeks pregnant and housework, don't generally mix! Taking breaks every five minutes, and getting nauseous from just about anything makes a simple task longer. I know that this season of not feeling myself will only last a while,and in a little more than 7 months I will have a sweet bundle of love in my arms! I try to look at every symptom of pregnancy as a positive thing and that my baby is getting cuter every day!

My hope for this blog is that I can share you with about my day, the day of a missionary wife in Eastern  Europe. I hope to be real with you all. I hope that you can know more about me, the real me. I am only 20 years old, I'm a young wife and I will be a  young mother, but frankly I could not be more excited about the life that Lord has for my husband and I, and our growing family!

Thank you for reading, your time is so precious to me!

much love,

Autumn Wallace

Thought you might enjoy a picture of what is currently growing inside of me! 


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