Thursday, February 27, 2014

Other Mothers

Other Mothers

I remember the day we announced our pregancy with Jeremiah , it was such a joyful time for us. We were newlyweds, we were excited, and we had absolutely no idea what we were doing . I remember receiving so much wonderful advice and wisdom from men and women who cared for us . Most of whom were once young parents themselves, they wanted to impart any guidance in the journey we were about to take. Travis and I greatly appreciated this advice , we listened with open hearts and minds. I was thankful for wisdom, in the ten months I have been a mom I had hidden that advice in my heart and mind and applied it to myself and how I mother Jeremiah . However , when you are sick and pukey , you read a lot about babies . I read about everyone's opions, I read about breastfeeding , attachment parenting, cloth diapering, disposable diapers, co sleeping, CIO, swaddling , cribs,pacifiers , homemade baby food, formula , pre and post natal yoga, eating one's placenta,inducing labor or spontaneous labor. I pretty much read everything, we decided as a couple what would and wouldn't work for us , that was fairly easy .I will tell you what wasn't easy , reading and hearing about what was right and if you didn't do it that way, you were a horrible parent. I had someone tell me if we used a baby bjorn carrier that our son would have hip dysplaysia, people questioned if our son was conceived before our wedding ( yes, someone had the nerve to ask, and in case you were wondering he was not!) , I was told that if I didn't have a natrual birth that wasn't that much of woman, I was told that if I didn't breastfeed my baby I wasn't mom enough . I was appalled, I had to see if this was a thing, did mothers go around to other mothers telling them "the way" to do things and if it wasn't that way, than you are a total failure . I was shocked at how mean women are to each other , instead of coming alongside a young mom who needs encouragement and support, we set them up for failure. I think that most moms feel insecure , I know that I do at times, so sometimes moms feel the need to bully other moms so we feel the need to make ourselves feel bigger while making someone else feel smaller. Why can't we as mothers simply come together and encourage one another,no matter what we choose to do as parents.

Moms, please encourage one another! If you see a mom who is tired and worn out, tell her it sit down ! Bring her dinner, pay for her coffee, hold her baby so she can sleep, take her young kids to the park so she can pee in peace.


Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11


karanoel said...

So true Autumn! We can be so judgmental and downright cruel to each other. It is so important so show mercy and kindness - to treat others as we would want to be treated.

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