Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Parent


( disclaimer - Travis and I discuss any peice of advice we receive, however parenting is different for everyone , so I hope you won't think I am close minded just some methods wouldn't work for us as a couple and as a family unit )

Being a parent is hard . Being a young parent is  nerve-wracking. Being a first time parent is stressful and confusing. Everywhere you turn there is someone telling you that you're doing it wrong . There have been days where I will be questioning my intelligence or competence because of some comment someone made about a decision I've made as a parent. I can honestly say I've ended most of my days asking myself "do people think I am an idiot?!?" But I've learned something ... Parenting has changed over the years. I have had conversations with my mom and my grandma in law,  the things they did 20 and 50 years , I questioned how we survived . Our grandmas added honey to baby cereal, and they would start giving baby cereal at 6 weeks !! But that's how parenting is, it changes and shifts over time .  
Now, in my generation of parenting, they are saying that those cereals aren't the best option, gluten should be avoided!   I've done research on the subject and I will say that we don't plan to give Jeremiah cereals, we will start with an avocado . Am I worried what people will think and say ? You bet! But I feel that is the best option for our son. As a parent you have to be confidence and pray that you are following God's leading in you being a parent. The way we will discipline and train our son  will differ from the way  that you might have taught your kids and that's okay because that you are you! In fact, I am thankful that not all parents are the same... It keeps things interesting and I like interesting.

So, my advice dear reader... To the new parent, keep your hearts and minds open there is some true wisdom out there. To the veteran parent, keep in mind that there are some new-fangled ( and crazy, I'll admit) ideas in parenting, bear with us, we are just learning and we need your encouragement to just love in the best way we can and of course to just keep our ears open for Jesus.


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