Friday, November 8, 2013

I've got a lot

As many of you know, Jeremiah was diagnosed with a blood disorder in May.  Besides his red blood cell count being low, needing monthly blood transfusions, and being slightly (just slightly) behind his peers when it comes to physical development he is a very healthy, very happy boy! Every five weeks or so, we go to Phoenix Children’s Hospital, we wait in the waiting room, Jeremiah has a blood draw and gets in IV. We wait in the infusion area, we get blood, and we go home. Our life goes on quite happily and I am very, very grateful. But when you are in an Oncology/Hematology department, there are a lot of things you see that break your heart. You see little toddlers and juniors in high school cuddled up in a blanket near their parents as chemo runs in their veins. You see bald little girls and bald little boys with tired and worried parents. You see kids check themselves in because they live in the Ronald McDonald house; you see them doing their homework they get from the school next door because they can’t go to regular school. Their best friends are doctors, nurses and volunteers. You see two 19 year olds with their itty-bitty baby getting plasma.

And you realize… that you got a lot, a good lot.

Thank you Jesus for the lot you’ve given me.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Where you go, I will follow : a little on my transition back to America.


Two years ago when Travis professed his love ( he didn't say love, but we both knew what he was talking about :) ) he told me that he was called to be on the mission field and he knew that I would go anywhere . It's true, I would go anywhere , I lived in Romania for six years and then in Kurdistan for three years . Those transitions weren't easy, but I had been a missionary kid so I was well aware of culture shock and transitioning to a foreign culture. But going back to America has always been odd, I felt that I should fit right in, but I never did. I had friends, good friends in fact , but I always  came in at awkward times , I was always 3-5 years behind in fashion, I never stayed long enough to truly get involved. I always had fun in America, we joked that it was like a three month long trip to Disneyland. But there was a daily reminder that I didn't get that pop culture joke, or I had never heard of that artist, I eventually accepted my weirdness and accepted that I was a missionary kid and not your run of the mill American teenager.

Fast forward two years , I am 21 years old ,married and 6 months pregnant, I had packed up my life in Budapest, Hungary with my husband to move to surbubia Surprise,Arizona. My life completely changed , I left my house at 7am and didn't get home until 4:30. I had to keep my house tidy,dinner had to be made, lunch prepped , the toilets scrubbed. I freaked out.
Months later, my son was born, I left my house at 6:40 got home at sometimes as late as 5. Dinner still had to be cooked,the house needed order, Jeremiah was hungry, Travis needed to be picked up. I freaked out.
This transition to America has been the hardest I have ever experienced, I've experienced loneliness and sadness like never before . It's been frustrating because there has been no reason for it and also becaus culture shock has never hit me this hard. So I spent a lot of my time yearning for Europe, I wanted to get out . I wanted to not know the language , I wanted to take public transportation, I want to search for a random ingredient at the store. I miss the rich culture and history , I missed the trendy and unique restaurants. I missed everything and I felt hopeless because I knew that I would not be returning anytime soon. A few weeks ago I was reminded that I was the woman who followed The Lord, the woman who followed her husband . And as I had been called to be that woman, I had to be faithful to follow my husband to the mission field of America . The Lord has called us here with a purpose in mid and if that requires me to get uncomfortable and be a light in America,than that is what I need to do.

Jesus be my strength.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The reason and not the excuse...a word about my new mom body.

The reason and not the excuse ...a few words on the "mom" body.

Before I got pregnant , I had the body of the average woman. I was 5'4,145 pounds and a size 8-10( depending on the store). I have always had body image issues, many of my friends weighed less and were a few inches taller , they had incredible genes which gave them an incredible metabolism. I was pretty jealous until I went to college and got to busy and I focused my mind on Jesus rather than being in vain about my body . A year and a half later , I was married, I had lost about 5 lbs before my wedding because I was busy with school and spent a lot of time on my feet. Three weeks after my wedding , I got pregnant and for the first few months I gained hardly anything . And then we moved to America just in time for the holidays...and thus started the downward slope. The day I gave birth to Jeremiah, I weighed in at ( inhale) 210 pounds... I wanted to sob. Now here I am three months later at 180, and I still avoid cameras,mirrors and shopping . I hate my body. I miss not having love handles . I miss my flat tummy. I just miss my old body


I would not trade my son for anything, no amount of stretch marks can make me wish his smiles away. No ache could make me wish the sparkle in his eyes when he discovers away. I know my body will never fully be the same, and I am still coming to terms with this , but that does not need to be the excuse. It needs to be the reason

But I am done with my current state , I want to be healthy and strong. I want to be proud of this masterpiece that God has created. I want my son to know that eating healthy is to be a way of life and not a passing fad. I want him to know that by exercising and putting good things in our bodies,we are honoring our temple.

I have never been a fan of sharing workouts on Facebook , I follow the rule of "unless you fell down on the treadmill, I really don't want to hear about it". But I do want to share my progress and I want this endeavor to be God- honoring, I want to share my progress because I want to be kept accountable and I want and need encouragement in this journey. If any of you want to be my accountability partner, please let me know. As for diet, I am going to eat crazy stuff like chia seeds and flax, I'll eat loads of fruits and veggies, I am going to cut out processed junk as much as possible and when I do have a treat, it'll be homemade. I am not interested in any fad diet . Just good ol' fashioned good eating and getting my lazy booty off the couch!

Thanks for your support !

Much love,


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Best Kid Ever : Jeremiah


So, many of you have been asking about Jeremiah and his condition , I want to describe his condition so you know exactly what he has and how you can pray for Him ! But first I want to tell you about Jeremiah and the fact that we are positive we have the best kid ever !

Jeremiah loves
His play-mat that Grandma and Grandpa Wallace got him , he loves kicking the piano keyboard.
He recently has started this obsession with silky and fuzzy blankets, he loves the burp rags that his Auntie Em and Grandma Keenan made him!
He loves playing patty cake! I shouldn't be surprise because cake is his Daddy's favorite food.
He loves it when Dax licks his face...they will be good buds!
He has started to stand and he loves this new vantage point
Hanging out in the pool with grandpa.

Jeremiah dislikes

Taking baths.
Putting on lotion.
Anything that involves hygiene really, typical boy !
Being with mom after 7:30pm, he gets bored with me and needs his daddy!
 When a fan doesn't work or isn't turned on!

Jeremiah has more loves than hates, my little boy loves life and he is so full of joy! In fact he is really good at spreading that joy, I babies have that gift, I believe it is a God-given gift. Every day I look at my son and I am in awe, Travis and I cannot imagine our lives without him.We both agree that he is the best surprise we've ever had!
A lot of you are asking about his blood transfusions and his condition. Jeremiah was diagnosed at 6 weeks with Hereditary Spheryophytosis, this is a blood disorder where his RBCs( red blood cells) are oblong where they should be shaped like doughnuts. It is because of this that the RBCs break down and he gets very anemic,thus the need for blood transfusion. Jeremiah goes to Phoenix Children's Hospital every 2-3 weeks or so, he has an amazing team of doctors and nurses that know and love him. He is rather popular :) A blood transfusion itself isn't really painful, although getting an IV is really awful, but PCH has a really,really good IV team. A blood transfusion takes about three hours and he is usually sleeping for most of it. Another question we are asked often is if his spleen needs to be removed , the answer ? Time will tell, it is because we caught this early on and he is getting frequent blood transfusions ,his spleen isn't being overworked. In most cases,kids are diagnosed until they are 2-5 so by that time their spleen is just overworked and done. However, we are told that if they can wait until after puberty the problem just corrects itself! We are hoping we get to wait until then or that he will be healed of it completely ! We know this is possible because my husband stopped showing signs at 3! I firmly believe that Jesus can heal my son, because he is the Great Physician and all-powerful. But I also believe that Jesus is using my son in a mighty way in that hospital ,having there on a fairly consistent basis means that we have the opportunity to talk about our lives and our relationship with Jesus!
So, I want to ask for your prayer for our family, please pray that Jeremiah's strength would be increased. Please pray that the medical staff would ask questions and be interested in our life. Pray for God's grace as we accept His will and plan for our life as a couple, as a family and for Jeremiah .

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

Much love,


Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Parent


( disclaimer - Travis and I discuss any peice of advice we receive, however parenting is different for everyone , so I hope you won't think I am close minded just some methods wouldn't work for us as a couple and as a family unit )

Being a parent is hard . Being a young parent is  nerve-wracking. Being a first time parent is stressful and confusing. Everywhere you turn there is someone telling you that you're doing it wrong . There have been days where I will be questioning my intelligence or competence because of some comment someone made about a decision I've made as a parent. I can honestly say I've ended most of my days asking myself "do people think I am an idiot?!?" But I've learned something ... Parenting has changed over the years. I have had conversations with my mom and my grandma in law,  the things they did 20 and 50 years , I questioned how we survived . Our grandmas added honey to baby cereal, and they would start giving baby cereal at 6 weeks !! But that's how parenting is, it changes and shifts over time .  
Now, in my generation of parenting, they are saying that those cereals aren't the best option, gluten should be avoided!   I've done research on the subject and I will say that we don't plan to give Jeremiah cereals, we will start with an avocado . Am I worried what people will think and say ? You bet! But I feel that is the best option for our son. As a parent you have to be confidence and pray that you are following God's leading in you being a parent. The way we will discipline and train our son  will differ from the way  that you might have taught your kids and that's okay because that you are you! In fact, I am thankful that not all parents are the same... It keeps things interesting and I like interesting.

So, my advice dear reader... To the new parent, keep your hearts and minds open there is some true wisdom out there. To the veteran parent, keep in mind that there are some new-fangled ( and crazy, I'll admit) ideas in parenting, bear with us, we are just learning and we need your encouragement to just love in the best way we can and of course to just keep our ears open for Jesus.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A little on life ...

A little on life.

Three months later and here I am ! Obviously I've been a little tied up with life recently ( going to bed with dishes done is considered a victory these days). To start I gave birth to Jeremiah three months and two days ago ,even now he is an absolute joy to us , he fills our days with smiles and he is very talkative , he loves his mobile and his baby gym and oh, he loves Dax too!  And he is basically sleeping through the night! THANK YOU JESUS! He was diagnosed with Hereditary Spheryophytosis ( say that three times fast! And there will be more on that later)  he's had 4 blood transfusions and he is adored by all the nurses , his official nick name is Peanut. He is a trooper and frankly just awesome ... I might be a little bias though !  
We celebrated our one year anniversary , which was amazing ! Travis surprised me with a weekend at the Westin in Scottsdale . We had an amazing view and I was reminded how beautiful the desert can be! We spent our weekend in the lazy river and eating good food ...and shopping ! My awesome in laws loved on Jeremiah for the whole weekend !  My husband is the best and it was wonderful to have a away to just get away and be together. Travis is just the bomb :)

My best friend, Pauli Dill---Wear got married and I was one of her bridesmaids! It so fun to see he get married to a wonderful man and send her off into the adventure of marriage! 

My sister graduated from high school last week and so we are able to attend her party and I was able to see old friends and show off my sweet family :) we also got to get gelato with a bunch of friends from bible college , most of us are married and have started families. God is so faithful with blessing his children :)

These past few months have been busy, but overflowing with God's faithfulness and love for me ! I have been reminded of this new life he has gifted Travis and I with, it's a little scary but totally exciting!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

My Birth Story

Well,has many of you know, my sweet little boy Jeremiah arrived last Sunday! It was the second best day of my life and for the last few days I have been mulling it over in my mind on how to share my birth story with you all. It was such a beautiful experience and really, for lack of a better word, miraculous .

Saturday morning, I woke up feeling really anxious and excited ! Travis was going to be out of the house, so I took the opportunity to scrub my house spotless !  You would think that I would have taken this as sign of impending labor,  but I just saw it as me needing to clean my house! In the afternoon, we went on two mile walk, after getting back I was feeling some pain in my lower back, I thought I pulled something, but as the night went on , the pain got worse and walking around  became nearly impossible , but I wasn't having any contractions , so I took a bath (which helped) and then I went to bed.

Around 1 AM,I woke up with contractions,  so I walked around for a few minutes and the pain worsened , so I went to Jeremiah's room and rocked in my glider , which felt good. But I noticed the pain was getting rhythmic, so I texted my mother in law for a second opinion . She told me to start timing them, although she was thoroughly convinced I was in labor . After about a half hour, they were coming every 3 minutes and lasting about a minute long. So I attempted to wake up Travis ...that took a few tries ...and I started to gather up e last minute things for the hospital bag. Travis woke up and his mom was on his way over. I couldn't believer that this was actually it ! I was having a baby !

When we arrived at the hospital , I don't think the nurses believed I was in labor ! Simple breathing techniques were getting me through contractions and I was joking in between ! Once I was in triage , the nurse asked me a myriad of questions , the machine was not picking up my contractions, and finally she checked to see how dilated I was . Her eyes got huge and said "I am glad you're not standing because you aren't going to believe how you've progressed !" ( my last appointment on Thursday, I was almost completely effaced and I was 4 cm dilated). I called my mom and told her i was being admitted, and she basically got on a flight right away!  I was pretty much rushed to a delivery room and I was monitored for forty minutes ( in case you didn't know, laboring lying down is SUPER uncomfortable ) I was able to go into the jet tub, which was amazing, I was finally able to relax , I was feeling pretty nervous and shaky so the water just allowed me to pull myself together ! I had to get out and be monitored again , I decided I wanted to get on the birthing ball, which helped get my little man in the right position for birth.  After a fee minutes, I met the on call doctor, I wish i could have met him before i was in labor because he was really funny, but it is hard to laugh at jokes when you're just about to give birth ! The decided  to break my water so it would speed things along, but Jeremiah's head  was so low that he could barely poke a hole !  oh well, he tried...

My contractions were getting more intense, but I could still converse in between, my wonderful nurse couldn't believe that I was as calm as I was for being in transition ! She checked me again, and I was at 9 centimeters, my back labor was getting super intense . Whenever I had a contraction, I had Travis massage my low back, which helped counter the back pain. The nurse suggested I get on my hands and knees to relieve the pressure, as soon as I did I felt like I needed to push, so I rolled over ( um, ow) and she checked me and I was still at a nine.  They needed to monitor Jeremiah's heartbeat, so I laid on my side while they made sure he was doing well. At this point, I was feeling miserable,  and I  knew that I was going to meet my little man soon!
I got on my hands and knees and then the most intense pain I had felt all night ! I said that I needed to push , so the nurse checked me again and said " oh yeah , he's right there !" Then everything started to go really fast... Well not fast enough, people started coming in, I told Travis that they needed to hurry because I couldn't wait much longer ! 
Before I go on, I just want to say how awesome my husband was ! He knew exactly what I needed and he knew that I needed to feel relaxed, he kept his cool. My mother in law, was amazing as well, she was super fast at eating me those ice chips, which are a life saver, let me tell you !

So, pushing didn't really hurt too much, it was just a lot of work !! About half way through , I was ready to give up ! But I was spooned more ice cups and the nurse gave me some oxygen which made me feel like a new woman ! The doctor that delivered Jeremiah was a doctor that I had never met before, but he was a hoot! Before meeting him, all of the nurses told us that he was always cracking jokes, and I appreciate humor, and in my case I was using no drugs, so it got my mind off the pain and on to the joke. Anyways... now that you have that story... I can go on.
So the top of Jeremiah's head was making it's appearance, and suddenly everyone started laughing. I was really confused because here I am ... you know, pushing and then everyone is dying of laughter! I was like " What is so funny??' between a few breaths of oxygen. My husband said, "Jeremiah is getting his first fohawk!" My doctor was giving my son a fohawk while he was crowning! No matter how exhausted I was, I had to laugh at that... too funny.
The doctor was worried about tearing, so he gave me an epistiomy and a few more pushes and his head was out.  The doctor then took my hands and placed them on my son and I pulled him out and onto my chest .

Moments after cuddling on me, his cries subsided, and just looked at me.He was perfect, he had his dad's face but it was shared with  my nose and lips. The overwhelming feeling of love just washed over me, I looked at Travis for the first time and I could see that he felt the same way, we had a son.  We had everything. We were truly a family .

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A few thoughts from a very pregnant lady ...

From the ipad mini of a 36 week pregnant lady ...

1.I'm ready for this baby to come
2. I'm ready to burn my jeans ... If socially acceptable, I'd wear my thick maternity tights , tank tops and cardigans all day.
3. In the words of Lucille Ball "My center of gravity has shifted a little!"
4. I'm really sick of peeing .
5. Though I feel pretty great, I'm done with being pregnant .
6. I want all of the sushi.
7. I have lived my life thinking that I am not creative... I was then reminded that I've been building a human being for 8 months ....that's pretty creative if you ask me.
8. I have 4 more weeks to ya!

Happy Tuesday Everyone !

Love ,

Friday, March 1, 2013

Remembering Jeremiah

It was one year ago that I received the most horrific phone call, my parents telling me that our friend , Jeremiah Small had been shot and killed by one of his students that very morning. I am thankful to this day that Travis was there as I sobbed through the conversation and prayer , lifting up both Jeremiah and Bayar's family and friends. I had dozens of questions that were unanswered;" Lord, why Jeremiah? Why a man who had devoted his life to these students?"" He was so young ,Lord!" " Lord, his family, how could you allow this to happen to his family?" "Did his death need to be so tragic,Lord?" " Lord, he was so young!". In the days that followed, my heart grieved with literally, hundreds of people and the nation of Kurdistan, I found myself comforted by two things . That Jeremiah was finally, Home in the arms of His Savior that he had loved so much and that his death had not come as a surprise to The Lord, that from the very moment that He had said "Let there be Light!" , God knew what and when Jeremiah's first and last breaths would be. I was reminded by The Lord that Jeremiah's death was a homecoming of a saint ! He had not been taken too early because Jeremiah had lived his life faithfully as a bond servant for Christ , although it is difficult for us who knew him to agree, Jeremiah had finished his work on earth, and it was time for him to go home.
Today as I remember Jeremiah, the song "In Christ Alone" by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend comes to mind, probably because it reminds me of the hymns that Jeremiah had committed to memory, in fact his love for hymns inspired me to familiarize myself with these age old words.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

Although the entire song is a song of victory , it is the last stanza that reminds me of Jeremiah's passing from this earth and entering into his eternal home. In fact, this song is a comfort to me everyday , knowing that I can never,ever be plucked from the hands of my Savior , even in my leaving from this earth, there is not a millisecond that I am out of His will.

So friends, I ask that you remember those who are still grieving, please pray for the comfort of the Small family, Bayar's family, Jeremiah's students, the staff who are still in Kurdistan serving at the school.

- Autumn

Lyrics by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend, 2001.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Valentines Day has always been a happy day for me, single or not, I did my best to be completely satisfied in any situation !  I realized that many people went on dates any other day of the year and it didn't bother me then, so why should it bother me on February 14th? Until my parents moved after high school , my parents would give us kids a small gift , my mom made us candy and my dad would give us girls flowers. In my single high school years, my best girlfriends and I would go out to dinner and then hang out for the evening , sometimes some guys would come over, we made s'mores and just hung out , no one hooked up,  we all had a pure good time together. When I did have a Valentine in high school, those times were fun too! I mean it was dinner and chocolate , who could say no to that !?! Last year , when Travis and I were engaged, Travis got up at an ungodly hour and he made me breakfast and set up a table with candles, it was amazing and then he left soon after on apartment hunt ! I spent the day wondering what my future home would look like, he came back the next day triumphant with the perfect place, I was elated . Not many girls can say that they got an apartment for Valentines day !
This year, we are married , living in America , with a baby on the way , we both have jobs. I kiss him good bye at 7:15 and I don't him again until 5. Today was not much different, and in fact he has a Valentines Day Gala for work that he is doing, and although I get to go, it's a little different than the traditional dinner out. To be honest , I am excited, I love watching him work, he is very good at his job and it is blessing for me to hear all of the residents talk about what a wonderful,gifted and sweet man my husband is. Although I know all of these things to be true because he exemplifies these qualities at home, it's a blessing for me as his wife hear such things of the man I get to spend life with !  Regardless of the business of today , my husband brought me a beautiful arrangement of flowers and my favorite Australian licorice! His gift is in the mail...somewhere ... :)
Although we couldn't do a valentines day breakfast in bed, or take a long leisurely walk on the beach, or gaze into each others eyes all day and flirt over a candle light dinner. The love that we share goes beyond those things, and thankfully I can share those things and make those memories every day. If you know me, you know that I will want to share with you how today reminds me of the ultimate Valentine. Thankfully, Jesus is a better lover than myself, he never disappoints, and He forgives my daily failures, and he is not a better lover on any specific day of the year, he is perfect and consistent all the time. What an example of a lover we have as believers ! I want to encourage all of you to take a look at Jesus and His perfect,undying love that has lasted and will last through the ages, and love those around you with that same love.

 "In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.

- Exodus 15:13

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Calling all Mommies !Help Wanted !

Hello Everyone !

So as the day where I become a mother draws near, I find myself wondering if I have enough of this, or if I really need to buy that one thing that everyone says I need! I had a wonderful baby shower last weekend and I got loads or adorable baby clothes and a few other necessities, but I know that I need a few other items such onesies, a dresser, a boppy pillow, sleeping gowns, cloth diapers... The list could easily go on! Anyways, is like to ask you moms ( words of daddy wisdom are more than welcome too, I'll pass them on to Travis !)  to either comment or Facebook message me the items that you could not have lived without when you had your babies !
This fresh,new mom would appreciate it !

Much Love,


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

From one new wife to another ...

One newlywed from another.

It has been just about seven months since I entered marital bliss, and although I am no where near to being a pro at marriage or being a wife , I know plenty of people getting married this year and though I have not been at this for a while, I have this need to impart some of the things that I have learned and still am learning!
I would consider myself a young bride, less than a month after I left my teenage years, Travis and I got engaged , and then six months into my 20s I was a married woman. I had this whole picture of what kind of wife I was going to be, and although I knew that my marriage would not be perfect by any means , I had this picture in my mind , it was a pretty picture.   I was going to be super organized,  an immaculate housewife , positive, cute and adorable all of the time . After our honeymoon and when I started summer school, I was hit with the fact that picture was not reality , and I would not have wanted it to be, to be honest the picture I had of myself and of my marriage was well, cookie cutter and a little boring ! Now , I do not mean to say that being those things are bad, of course I desire to be a great wife, of course I desire to be a wise spender of my time, and always full of positive things , I pray for those traits in my life . However , I am not perfect and Travis does not want me to be, I learned that my husband would much rather spend quality time with him before the house is spotless, he would much rather have a confidant me than a perfectly made up me !   Travis loves it when I am spontaneous in the kitchen , and he loves watching my creativity , he prefers seeing this side of me before seeing the overly organized and anal to our menu plan. Travis loves me and the reality of me is that I am never perfect, not always organized , and dishes will be in the sink .
 No matter how wonderful you fiancĂ© is , I promise you that there will be days where you  will want to strangle him, should you ? Never ! But will you momentarily think about it ? Yes. Your husbands will do something that will hurt your feelings, he'll be late for dinner ( or tell you last minute to cancel), or he may not  text or call you all day long when you needed him, he may not be doing anything wrong but he will make you mad. When that happens, you need to take a take back and deep breath. Sometimes when I have gotten upset because I felt ignored and I lash out at my husband , I come to find out that he is simply working very hard and because he is responsible he wants to be an example he does not like to use his phone for personal reason at work . Wow, it is in those moments that I feel like a complete selfish idiot . In most of these cases where I feel hurt , it's because I am being totally selfish and I am blinded by my own emotions to think clearly.
And ladies , you will fight, you will be seething , you'll cry a ridiculous amount of anger tears , but after that fight and you've made up, you will have learned so much about this man you've married , and it will be awesome . I promise .
A word from someone who knows, don't make too many set in stone plans. Because if you haven't learned already from your own walk, God has other plans that usually do coerce with yours. I did not plan to spend the first year of newlywed bliss growing a human being, I also did not plan moving to a different country either. As incredible as these blessings are , I had a really difficult time with them at first because I was still clutching on to the things that I had planned.
And lastly, love on your husbands, never hold back a smile, don't hesitate to snuggle up into his arms, listen when he talks ( I'm not talking about the important stuff he has to tell you, but listen to the normal stuff ) and let him love on you ! If he wants to play with your hair ( in my case Travis likes to knot it ) if he wants to spoil you, don't tell him not to waste money on you , if he tells you that you are beautiful , believe him. Your marriage will be sweeter because of it .

And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
- Genesis 2:18


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