Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hey everybody ,

Because I have been a college kid for little over a week now, I thought I would write a blog about my roommates. I have one of the best rooms here this semester, not only how the room is set up but the people that fill it.


Jemma is my intern/dorm steward, she is a blonde beauty from Australia. She is one of the enthusiastic people that I know, she plans game night for my college and makes our dorm meetings really fun ( that and she makes the best brownies I have ever had). Right before the semester started, Jemma had acquired a black eye from falling on ice at an Intern Retreat. But I have seen very few black eyes in my life, I wasn't sure what it was, so I had assumed she only put purple eyeshadow one eye. Haha... how embarrassed I was to find out it was from a fall. I am very blessed to have Jemma as my dorm steward, and I am excited to get to know her this semester.


Lila is my Hungarian roommmate, who is the sweetest person you have ever met. Every night before lights out, Lila will lead us in a short five minute bed time prayer. Which is such a blessing because I have found that I have such a more peaceful sleep. And although she is a sweet type, you will be suprised to find that she is the funniest person, one moment she can be quiet, and then BAM she'll crack a joke that will have all of us rolling. There is a special place in my heart for Lila.


Maddy is the most forgiving one in my room because he head is RIGHT beside the door,so therefore if anyone slams it in the morning, she will be the first to wake up. I apologize if I slam the door without knowning it, I hate waking people up in the morning. Maddy, like me, has man waiting at home for her, so we are going to be eachothers Valentines for the day. Maddy is in her fourth semester of bible college, and will be graduating this spring. She has a huge heart for the Mormons, I am so excited to see where this calling will take her.


Nastya is one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. She is from Russia and possess those strong features that I find extrodionarily beautiful; the high cheekbones, the deep eyes, and the perfect skin.It's not only her beauty that makes Nastya, Nastya. It's her personality that brings out the best in me, she's the person to tell you what no one else will. She is like a refinery, it she brings out the things that I don't like about myself that I don't think anyone else notices. But she does.
I know that I will be a better person for just being her roommate.


Kim is my bunk-buddy, I sleep right above her, so I consider myself blessed that she is a heavy sleeper! Kim is from the state of Georgia, but both of her parents are from South Africa. I was excited to find out that Kim was from the south because I love hearing the accent, and although her accent is ever so slight, I still can hear the southern girl that is inside. She helps herself to my Nutella at breakfast and is extremely commited to her homework.
Both of these things I love.

Well, those are my roommates and I am sure there will be more stories in the coming months.

Much Love,


Callie Denny said...

Now you should write a whole entire blog only about me ;)

Paulina Rose said...

Unknown said...


Autumn is my roommate with a huge smile and bright eyes who has embraced life here in such a short time I am very impressed! She is a missionary kid who grew up in Romania so we often hear mumbling in her sleep in this strange language, which is very amusing (not to mention slightly frightening.) I can see a lot of potential in Autumn to become a strong leader of her peers, and I am excited to see the refining and growth process as God shapes her this semester.

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